Forever Us
‘The piano and me will always have a very strong bond. At the same time I think a lot about my father here and how he influenced me, also musically. When I was young he often sat next to me at my piano practises and offered me simple gifts when I managed to play my pieces flawlessly, to encourage me to be the best I could be. He also stimulated me, from a young age, to compose music to lyrics he had written. To inspire me to create for myself and strive for my own compositions. That is where it all began and those memories will last forever. I dedicate this song to my father.’

‘The composition Carvoeiro is named after one of my favourite places on earth, a little town near the Algarve coast in the south of Portugal. The clean and gentle sea breeze there feels like medicine, as the locals use to say. Moving around the area, where there’s sunshine most of the year, you see lots of gorgeous bougainvillea flowers and hear the sea bouncing to the rocks. It’s a cozy place I immediately fell in love with. The moment you arrive there you are in total sync with the elements and the basics of life. And that is all you really need sometimes.’

Spring Of Light
‘Typically spring is the season of hope and new beginnings. For me this melody has a lighthearted, disarming and luring nature. Like I am trying to invite you to experience new moments of light and positivity. As we should always try to feel there are better times ahead, like spring is the precursor of summer, the season of light and joy we always look forward to.’

Freedom Flower
‘We all know the image of a battlefield where one flower has refused to go under. That’s the picture I had in mind with this composition, a flower that symbolises resistence, resilience and new opportunities. Like human beings who, despite their setbacks, keep striving for a better life and brighter future. Although the times are hard and difficult, there is always a basic wish for survival and continuation. To keep standing tall, against all odds.’

Like Daughters Do
‘The first single of my piano project with the Andante Piano label is inspired by my two daughters. Like an aural photobook it reflects the joys of seeing them grow up, being surprised every single day by their liveliness and ongoing creativity. As both are promising piano players as well. The lighthearted melody is interspersed with a minor bridge, reflecting the obvious doubts if all will turn out well. It ends with a hopeful passage, finding the sweet balance between sentiment and reality.’

Promise Me
‘This is very funny. While I created the composition I instantly heard songlyrics that started with ‘Promise Me’ which you can easily sing to this. It feels like when you truly connect to people, you wish it is forever and for real. That what you share is confident and you won’t be betrayed. A heartfelt promise to be true and loyal that is often not outspoken. At the same time it evokes uncertainty as you never know how long a connection will last. In that way it can only express the hope that feelings are honest and mutual. And that you’ll have each other’s back.’

Different Ways
‘There’s always more than one road to travel. When people search which way to go it is good to always remember there are alternatives. If one way does not work, there’s another to be discovered and there are so many ways to reach your goals. When one door closes, another opens. That is also my personal experience. And there is no standard answer. When you find obstacles on your way you’ll have to choose a different path and that is by definition not a negative situation. It may be hard at first but the results often can be quite powerful.’

No More Fear
‘We all have fears. For me this melody acknowledges that but at the same time it tells me to always try and overcome them. And let go. People sometimes tend to let fear limit themselves and thus forget to see and take the chances that are out there. As fear is, most of the times, a pretty bad counsellor. I’m trying to uplift here and encourage people not to sell themselves short.’

Tuesday Rain
‘You know those rainy days when you don’t feel like going out. For me these are the rare moments that I feel no need to stress or achieve much. While it may be dreary outside, those days give me the energy to look inside, make new plans and let imagination flow. So one such rainy Tuesday I sat back and contemplated which set the perfect mood to create this composition.’

Rather Now
‘People often think they’ll do things when the time is right. In fact, a lot of times they never happen. These days I feel that now is the time and you’d rather fix things straight away. It’s pretty simple. Do not postpone because it may cause future problems. A lot of times the possibilities are there today and you should not wait untill tomorrow to act upon them. Follow your dreams. Solve your issues the moment you can before they cannot be fixed anymore. In my experience it is a great way to stay clear-headed and move ahead. And enjoy the moment.’

Morning Birds
‘I like nothing more than waking up to the sound of birds chirping outside in the morning. Sometimes you’ll even wake up way too early but the comfort and peace of their sounds will easily make you sleep some more. And the fact that they are there, flying around free and easy, makes me feel we are in the right place. It is the most natural sound around to start the day. The tweedling of birds is totally organic and it regularly reminds me of the characteristic mechanical sounds of my piano.’

Song For Honey
‘This composition reminds me of a special person. Honey was a very dear friend who left us way too early. She was the kind of person who was always open to musical developments and responded very constructively to new melodies I created. While making this I strongly imagined it is the kind of tune she would have liked so much and I feel deeply sorry she is not here anymore to experience that. Basically, to my ears, this really is her song.’

Don't Worry Child
‘This challenging performance is very much inspired by my mother. She’s a professional musician herself and this is a kind of melody she used to play when I was young. It also reminds me of how she used to comfort me and, when she put me to bed, always telling me everything will be alright. It fills me with warm feelings towards her and brings very sweet memories of the past. So it is basically a tribute to our deep connection.’

‘While I fully embrace the things I already achieved in my family and working life I also cherish the dreams I still have. What the future may hold for me and how that can make me happy. They can be simple things like the sun coming out, good times with my loved ones, a nice view or a breath of fresh air. And a general sense of togetherness. At the same time yearnings feel like wishes for new professional challenges and creative impulses. A deep longing for the adventures that lay ahead.’